




My experience

   I became a vegetarian forty years ago when I realized that the consumption of meat involved animal suffering and that I could very well do without.  I wanted to avoid the suffering of any person or animal.

   In retrospect, this was one of the best decisions of my life.  I am very happy and I am very healthy.  Being vegetarian increases our chances of mental, p
hysical,  emotional and spiritual health.

Jean Yves
Our companions

    The animals are conscious beings like us.  They have thoughts, instincts, emotions, sensations and projects.  Many are willing to risk their lives for their young.  They can suffer or be happy.  Some are very intelligent.  Some manufacture tools.
  When we look at the eyes of a dog 
we can see joy or sadness, fear or love.   As us, an animal is a spirit in a body They are our companions on this earth.

    Meat production is accompanied by much suffering.  Every day we kill billions of animals unnecessarily.
   Fish and ' Seafood ' are also animals ... :-)    It remains only 10% of fish in the oceans.


    Producing meat is a huge waste of food : To produce one animal protein, we need 5-10 vegetable protein. 
   As 80% of grains are fed to animals instead of humans, in reducing meat consumption we have a simple solution to feed the billion of hungry humans.

  Just in Quebec , there are more pigs than people.

    In terms of ecological footprint, we can suspect that there is a big difference between a vegetarian and a carnivore.   Livestock production uses astronomical amounts of water, space, energy, resources and grants.  It generates a lot of pollution in water and air.

Global warming

  The FAO says livestock production contributes more to global warming than transportation.
     The ''elite'' wants to make people believe that humans are responsible for natural disasters.   
But ... according to many researchers, the theory of global warming is a scam, a vast manipulation.

I will make a page on the subject soon.

    So, even if i appreciate the publicity for plant based nutrition,  the argument that vegetarianism decreases global warming is a lie.


   Pesticides, radio-active materials, toxins, heavy metals are concentrated along the food chain.  A salad will be generally less polluted than a chicken.  An example: the flesh of polar bears is very toxic  because he is near the top of the food chain.  In Labrador, they made a regulation to limit the number of bears killed to protect ...          the hunters against cancer.   Presently the artic bear population is increasing.

  The amount of organochlorine pesticides in the blood of a child fed with organic food is 5-6 times lower than in the blood of a child fed "normally. "

   Many animals are now massively fed with GMO foods.  We thus find the pesticides of GMOs concentrated in meat.

  Many diseases are directly influenced by the consumption of meat : heart disease, avian flu, gout, food poisoning, etc.  Some say that the similarity of the symptoms of Alzheimer's and mad cow disease  indicates similar origins.

Omega 3

   Omega 3 are essential and are not produced by our body.  They must be present in our diet, especially DHA, the most important .  However, there is practically no DHA in the plan
ts except in some micro-algae.  There is none in flax-seed.

   There are some algae supplements containing DHA.  I tried it without finding any significant difference.  On the other hand, I recently started taking DHA of fish origin and I could observe great increases in vigor, energy, concentration and well-being.

   A recent study involving 48,000 people by Oxford University showed that carnivores have a lot of heart problems and vegetarians a lot of stroke problems, brain accidents.  The researchers attributed these brain problems to the lack of omega 3 in the vegetarian diet.

   Conclusion:  I will personally consume animal DHA for the rest of my life.  I recommend it to all vegetarians.


   Meat influences our instincts and emotions.  At the time of his death, the animal releases in his body substances related to stress, fear, depression, anger.   We all know the expression:  '' He ate some meat from an enraged cow! ''.  Maybe the desperation of millions of animals condemned defenseless is one of the factors of the wave of mental problems that is sweeping our country.

   Eating flesh lowers our vibrational level and reduces our spiritual skills.
Dairy products and eggs

   Dairy products and eggs do not directly involve death or suffering.    Therefore it is a good source of animal protein.   However, it is good to remember that they contain as many pollutants as meat.    Some researchers found a direct connection between dairies and autoimmune diseases .

   A study of millions of Chinese have found a very important direct link between dairy products and cancer.

  Personally i believe that we need a small percentage of  animal proteins to be in good health.   There is the example of Gandhi who almost died on his vegan diet.   He was saved when he accepted some goat milk.   For the rest of his life he always had a goat around him. 


   At our near by grocers,  a well-intentioned manager had put a sign informing about the precautions to take when handling meat to avoid direct or cross-contamination.  That very interesting piece of information remained very little time up.   I wonder why.   ;-)

   In talking with a young hitchhiker that I had got in my car , I learned that he was a butcher.   When I told him that I would never be a good customer for him because I was vegetarian, he replied :  " I ​​too am a vegetarian.   When you see what we do with meat, you do not want to eat that !! "







