



              Iodine              Français  


    Iodine is
essential for health. Iodine deficiency predisposes to many diseases: hypothyroidism but also hyperthyroidism, cancers, especially breast and prostate
cancers, brain development problems, depression, lack of energy, weight gain, lack of concentration, lack of memory, etc.

    WHO estimates that 2 billions people are deficient in iodine, 90% of North American.  Apart the people breathing the salty air of the sea, and / or consuming seafood, specially alguae, all of us lacks this essential element.

     Iodine was used extensively during the first half of the 20th century, externally and internally to treat many diseases.

    No virus, parasite, yeast or bacteria is resistant to iodine.

      A body saturated with iodine prevents binding of  radioactive iodine-131 from nuclear fallout, and thus protects the thyroid against cancer.

     As the body has a great need for iodine in particular to manufacture hormones, it replaces it with elements of the same chemical family:  fluorine, chlorine and bromine, as well as heavy metals such as mercury and lead.  This creates an obvious problem: biological interactions can no longer be done correctly.  The lack of iodine leads to hypothyroidism but also to hyperthyroidism.  It disrupts the subtle balance of the body's hormones.  This may partly explain the very large number of current hormonal problems.

      Most of the iodine produced in the world is given to animals for their health.

     Vegetarians are more at risk of deficiency.


    For most of us it is easy, safe and cheap to restore the optimum level of iodine which seems 12mg of iodine each day.   We have to absorb few drops each day of a mixture of iodine and potassium iodide.

      As iodine removes pirates competitors: fluorine, chlorine and bromine, as well as heavy metals such as mercury and lead, it is advisable to start with 1 or 2 mg and increase gradually.

      To protect from the radioactive elements from Chernobyl, the population of Poland was overwhelmingly "iodized."  Adverse reactions have affected only one person per million inhabitants.

     Iodine is recognized as a very safe element to absorb.  A myth about the toxicity of iodine was created to discourage people.   Studies have shown that allergy to iodine are actually allergies to complex molecules recently developed by pharmaceutical companies.

   Several products are available OTC: Iodoral, Lugol, Tincture of iodine, Iodine solution etc. (In my experience, avoid the supplement named "Trophic").

     For more efficiency, our body needs iodine and potassium iodide (KI and I2).  It is good to check that both are present in products.

   Relatively few foods contain traces of iodine: mainly seaweed and a little bit in sea food, sea salt and navy beans.

   One woman recounted in a blog that her grandmother and her mother were regularly painting soles of the feet of their children with tincture of iodine.  And as soon as a disease would appear they would  give them a few drops of tincture of iodine in milk or orange juice.

   During my adventures as a mining prospector, I used to put a few drops of tincture of iodine  in my flask every day to treat water from lakes and streams without any problems.   I was in a very good shape.


     Health Canada recommendations are 0.150 mg daily, with maximum at 1.1 mg.
On average, the Japanese absorb 12.5 mg daily, 11 times more than our maximum and 80 times the recommended dose:  They have very few cancers and many centenarians.

     Iodine added to table salt is just enough to hide the most obvious problems.   Much of the industrial salt prepared foods is not iodized.

    The level in the body is easy to check with a simple test widely used by doctors of the last century: just put a little iodine stain on the skin.  If the stain disappears in a few hours it means that the body absorded it and is lacking iodine.

Remember that
      1 milligram = 1000 micro-grams
           or 1 mg = 1000 mcg

    Dr. Brownstein talk about 12 mg of iodine everyday which represent few drops of iodine solution or iodine tincture.

Links in English

    Dr. David Brownstein is a leading expert on iodine. There are several videos on youtube.
For example :

   A knowledgeable website:

   A blog :





