


Brain in danger

Brain in danger               

   Is there a common point between

vitamin D
aluminium foil
bromide in bread
mercury in fillings and bulbs
Yes : the brain.

    All these factors, in addition to the influences to different body parts , have one common denominator : They significantly affect brain function . Sometimes they disrupt nerve impulses , sometimes they kill cells , sometimes they create tumors or other diseases.
   The brain is our central computer, the seat of thought, intellect, discernment, of the soul.  When the brain is affected, I, the soul, even if I have the best of intentions, I can not function properly.  I become a prisoner in my body, influenced, dependent.   I lose memory, concentration, sense of life, the contact with the Light.
   Here in Canada , the number of people suffering from depression , exhaustion, schizophrenia, anxiety, etc. is about to exceed the number of people suffering of physical illnesses. Not only it represents great individual sufferings but also a huge cost for society.
   We constantly need our brain. We could still live a very happy life without an arm or leg . But we can hardly do anything without the proper functioning of the brain.
   In science, when there are so many factors pointing in the same direction, we do not consider this a coincidence or bad luck. These are tangible indicators, signing something larger, a significant trend .
   I believe more and more strongly that this is consciously organized, carefully orchestrated, intended.

    Historically we now know that to conquer China , England began by introducing opium to weaken the resistance of the population.

    The first reason for all this is simple : money. Food processing and pharmaceutical companies are extremely profitable and powerful.
    On one side the immensely rich corporations earn much money selling modified foods and on the other hand , make a lot of money claiming to cure diseases they had generated. They gain both ways .

Studies have shown that treatments against cancer are not more efficient now than 50 years ago.   But cost are much higher .

To see : a documentary on ferocious war against efficient methods to cure cancer.
   The second is power : in developed countries, people are more educated.  Education help to analyze, discern, to make choices.

   In the last century , media information control and religions were sufficient to control the ideas of the population.  But now with the Internet, a phenomenal amount of relevant information is available to those who want to look.

 It's much more difficult to control.
1% of the world population owns half of the globe and makes rain or shine in the most countries. This 1%
- Plunders the resources,
- Blocks free alternative energy patents,
- Close clinics that really cure cancer,
- Change the food,
- Fund the chemtrails ,
- Vaccine African vpeople for unknown diseases,
- Poisons the groundwater,
- Etc.

    When someone is tired or has psychological problems , or memory losses, or low IQ, or is in poor health, he can be  much more easily influenced.  It is easy to make him believe anything.  The discrimination sense disappears. The nice citizen becomes a nice sheep, a nice consumer.

    The vast majority of Canada's population is caring, cooperative, and likes peace. When somebody has good intentions like most of us have,  it is difficult  to imagine that others may have "less good" intentions especially on such a large scale.

   When somebody begins to express such ideas, the first reactions of many people is "Another conspiration theory!"  or "We cannot trust the internet.   There is only junk!"

  Few days ago I was talking with a person with likely significant responsibilities and I showed her the chemtrails in the sky , explaining them. Her first reaction was " What are your credentials to say that? " In other words , "How could a nobody like you teach me something as obvious as that, to me, who is so intelligent with so many diplomas ? "

Life is wonderful and so interesting .





