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Français Positively oriented auric devices/consciousness found in the aura Golden, multi-colored, spinning geometry: When tuning into a client, most of the time they seem in the dark, and hidden in shadows. This positive auric device/consciousness stands out immediately because the client will seem to be bathed in a spotlight from above, keeping their connection to Source wide open, and keeping the upper body (heartspace and up), open and resistant to infestation. People with these constructs shining into their aura often have quiet, still minds and neutral processing ability, due to open flow through the head, making them great moderators. These spinning geometric constructs are fairly common in people who have been actively shutting down negative self talk and actively replacing it with positive things they wish to see in their world. Light, neon colored flower shapes: Light blue, pink, orange and red see through flower-like constructs usually centered behind the clients heartspace, ranging in size from just a foot or so around, all the way up to, in my experience, ten feet. I assume it can get bigger. This positive auric implant promotes the connection of love and compassion. People with this upgrade in their aura are the people who are always laughing and loving life. These are the people who, regardless of circumstance, still view the world with compassion and understanding. They are the first to believe in a stranger, and make friends almost instantly. The mesmerizing flower construct is most often found in the aura of people who are actively living in the moment, not letting their minds dwell in the future or the past, but staying right in the present moment; as well as actively stopping negative thoughts/feelings about people and replacing them with understanding and love. Liquid/smoke sunlight: When first encountered, I thought this was part of the clients aura and did not understand what it was until I had encountered it four or five times. If you could take sunlight and make it liquid, then take that brilliantly bright liquid and make it weightless and spread it out thin enough to become almost like steam to the former liquid, you would be coming close to gaining an understanding of how this field moves and behaves. It is conscious, and has an ability to communicate, but does not feel intelligent. It is like there was a being of incredible light and resonance that left an etheric residue in our field. It would be programmed to radiate the purest of light codes which is an intelligence to a certain extent, but it cannot think and respond like you or I would be able to. I have only found this golden liquid/smoke in the aura of clients who have gone through extreme trauma, yet despite this, have forgiven themselves, the world, the situation, the people involved, and have focused on shining the light out into the world instead. It is almost like a soothing balm to heal and protect from interference once it integrates into the aura, and makes further implantation and interference much harder to accomplish. Spinning crystalline vortexes connecting the client either above to Source consciousness, or below to Gaia consciousness: Crystalline energy is very...hard, clear, and resonant. It feels like if it were a physical construct and you were able to grab ahold of it, that it would vibrate your hand violently, yet at an extremely high frequency pitch so that the object looked as if it were not moving at all. It is hard to make out a shape of the construct because it is spinning to quickly, but as it is spinning, a shape reminiscent of the Flower of Life is hinted at as it tinkles in crystalline gold energy. During DMT experiences, people have described "the chrysanthemum" forming before they burst through it, and the pattern resembles this closely. The construct is found in clients who have been shut off from connecting outside of them and pushed through, no matter how long it took. Something about piercing the dark blockages above/below you to force through a connection to Source or the Planet causes these vortexes to form. They are not permanent, but can be maintained regularly to keep them strong. If shut down, they can be restarted with a bit of effort pushing through again. Golden torroidal cage construct: This construct looks like a big golden birdcage around the aura of the client. Instead of caging, each of the lines or bars of the "cage" accelerate the heartspace's torriodal flow. Only from the outside does this look like a cage however. Following the lines in, you can see the flow gently swooping along the Fibonacci torroidal form of this construct to softly curl into the heartspace through spirals, steadily sloping smaller and smaller until reaching the center point of the heart energies. This is an accelerator upgrade, making the heartfield much larger and stronger, and unlocks the ability to handle much more chi flowing through the body, as the major energetic center/ control mechanism of the body is the heartspace. Pieces of stars: Every once in a while I will run into someone, either a client or met through some other means, who has a brilliant star connected to them. The stars can vary in color from gold, silver, diamond, platinum and the colors of the visible spectrum. These are much rarer in my experience, and only show up in the auric field after much internal work. Shadow work, emotional maturity progression, a conscious switch to STO (Service to Others) mentality, forgiveness of the traumas accumulated in the past, and a general openness to trusting the good in humanity are all traits of the people I have seen these brilliant stars in their auric field. I am not 100% sure on these being a positive construct or implant, I am more inclined to believe this is part of the higher dimensional connection to the higher self, a hyperdimensional, subconscious telepathic link to the oversoul if you will, and is part of a natural spiritual evolution once a fair amount of work is put in. They appear in multiple areas around the energetic field, not just fixed to one spot like most energetic centers of the body, leaving me inclined to believe they act like strange flow meridians. The major 12 organ meridians of the body are all fixed in place, but the meridians called the strange flows can be moved and used to drain excess chi from one area to another that is deficient. Sometimes they don't exist until you use them... Negatively oriented devices, implants and parasites found in the aura (energy body and energetic surroundings) Multitudes of cages from being wrapped in barbwire like material, iron maidens, metal boxes, round sheets of metal above and below connected by black energetic bars, slabs of metal crushing together, and 360 degree constructs squeezing from all sizes with spikes from every direction: These are designed to completely isolate and shut down the host energetically as well as cause increasing intensity in chronic pain, organ malfunction, meridian corruption and gives an easy access to any entities who happen upon the host. Solution: Breathe energy into your body until you feel chi beginning to flow. Depending on how shut down you are, this might take anywhere from 5 seconds, to a longer session, around 15 minutes. The technique is to build up a concentration of brilliantly bright light inside of you, and begin to push it out. When you move the energy outside of your body, you will notice that it is either incredibly hard to push past a certain spot, or is actively being pushed back in. As the energy pushing out is maintained, a vacuum tube to Source consciousness is brought down up above you to actively pull any loose, dark energy off of you. With the combination of light pushing out, and the vacuum above, this weakens the construct so that you can begin to find "edges" or "hinges". With the boxy, angular cages, there is a specific feel of a corner or a seam; with the wires/razorwire/barbwire, there is a length or spot you will be drawn to or makes itself more noticeable that I call the keystone (as in remove it, and the whole structure loses integrity) that once gone, makes the rest feel like dry brush, easily snapped and vacuumed up; for the 360 degree cages, especially if it has a solid, spiked structure, the technique I call supernova (Hyper focus on one point until fusion is acquired. Imagine focusing billions of suns with massive magnifying glasses into one specific, microscopic point. The energy becoming hotter, brighter, and more GOLD than anything else in Creation, igniting and thundering outward in a stellar explosion in all directions) originating in the heartspace, radiating outward, does the trick most of the time. This is an extremely powerful energetic technique that once mastered can clear out cubic miles around the supernova origin point. Re-connection: The goal of these devices are to shut down the flow in the body, connectivity to Source as well as the planet and damage specific points in the body, causing chronic pain. To reconnect to Source consciousness, gather your chi in the chest, making it as bright, solid and strong as possible, and push it up in a solid beam up through your head straight up to push through the ether to connect to whatever to envision as the Creator. I prefer to use the Galactic Central Sun as a reference point, but this is not needed. The same process is needed to connect to planetary consciousness, the only difference being down through the body, out the feet and into the planetary consciousness below. To increase flow and turn on imbalanced meridians, utilize the gold light meditation coupled with conscious breathing, saturating golden chi into every corner of your body with the intention of opening blockage and turning on flow. Manifestation hijacking devices: This nefarious device is usually found above (10-15 feet) and slightly forward of the host's physical body, connecting to the flow in the head. Active manifestation energies put out by people who are aware of the Law of Attraction and are radiating out what they want to see in the world are hijacked and twisted, often resulting in the exact opposite of what the original manifestation was intending. Solution: Breathe chi into your body, relaxing and allowing your body to leg go and induce flow. Fill your body with gold light (if you cannot fill everything up immediately, focus on your body being a human shaped vessel, filling your body from your feet all the way up to your head with liquid sunlight). Once you feel like you have done this successfully, take the ambient cloud of your energy, which should be pushing out more than normal by now, and shift its function. Instead of a loose, surrounding fog of chi, direct it into a beam, like the solid stream of light from a high intensity flashlight, and point it upwards. Even if you cannot see the constructs, you can feel them simply by the fact that the light will be hard to move through that area, or shine there. You can wrap the light around and behind the distortion by flowing out and around it (Picture liquid spilling off of a table as in the water flows to the edge and around. These constructs are always finite in size, and there is always an edge), and flowing the energy up around the "edge" on all sides until you encapsulate it in a bubble. Once in an orb, give it the chance to convert to the light (you can feel them phase right through your golden orb when they convert, the feeling like trying to hold onto water with just slips through) or connect to Source and send it for restructure. Re-connection: Sometimes this will shut down the connection to Source energy, and this re-connection is described in the section before. Imps and other twisted, distorted creatures: Smaller than an entity, yet bigger than a parasite which will die if it is not in a host, these malevolent, ugly little creatures coming in multiple varieties and species and are often no bigger than what we would describe as a foot tall. Usually not interacting directly with the body, Imps cause a drain in the energetic field as they feed. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, depression, irritability, apathy and hopelessness. Creatures I classify in this category range from dark gnomish like bipeds, what looks like twisted versions of elves, grotesquely shaped unidentifiable things, insect-like organic slugs, bugs, spiders, and things of that nature. Solution: Being as these are fairly weak, the techniques to clear these guys out are pretty simple. Breathe chi into your body, relaxing and opening to the flow, gently, but deeply breathing with the abdomen. If your mind wanders, gently lead it back to focus on the breath. Fill your body with light, and begin to push down towards your feet. Visualize a golden disc spreading out around you for about 10-15 feet. When you feel you have pushed it out to a comfortable distance, light up everything inside of that golden disc as bright as you can make it, flashing like a piece of the sun appeared like a camera flash around you. Bring down a vacuum from Source, and clean up any dark energy you stunned. Re-connection: Removing these creatures from your field will automatically make you feel better with fatigue, lack of motivation, etc... but sometimes a jump start is needed to get everything back up to speed. Breathe directly into the lower Dan Tien (energetic center 2-3 inches under the belly button) gently brightening, opening and relaxing this energetic center. After 5-10 minutes, this storehouse of energy will activate, warming up and giving a light, open, moving sensation. Take a deep breath in and flow this energy up the back of the spine to the very top of the head, holding the breath for 3-4 seconds and allowing the energy to swirl, and on the exhale, flow the energy down the front of the body through the face, throat, chest, abdomen, and pelvis, ending at the perineum. On the inhale, breathe the energy up the spine to the top of the head, allowing it to swirl on the breath hold. On the exhale, breathe down the front of the body to the perineum. Inhale up the spine, etc... Continue to do this exercise until felt not needed anymore. Shackles, chains, and other anchoring devices: Found most often connected to one or both ankles, this type of etheric device causes fear of success, travel, the unknown, new things, etc... The etheric metal is extremely dense and heavy, and drags down with "invisible" weight. People who feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders do not feel that way because there is much on their mind, they feel that way because of devices such as this that can add weight and drag down the energy body. They are found most often on people who have brilliant ideas and can not make themselves actually implement them, want to move and experience new things, yet cant leave their hometown, want to leave an abusive or draining relationship but cant seem to actually get the motivation to go, or any type of holding back types of behavior that do not allow people to grow despite wanting to. Solution: Etheric metal is a bit different to extract or remove, and it does not act like physical metal. When you first discover these, they will appear like solid metal until you start to try to extract them, when they will turn into liquid metal, like black mercury and just flow around where you are trying to grab. What needs to be done is give a freezing command. By this, I mean a bright, or series of bright flashes of golden light (picture someone walking down the red carpet with all the camera flashes around them and instead of a red carpet with celebrities, place the device in the center of all the "camera" flashes) with the intention of "FREEZE/STUN!!". This will immobilize it for a few minutes, making it keep its solidity. Create an arc welder (super hot, sustained burst of laser like gold flame designed to cut metal) with your hand or finger/s and cut through the part connecting to the body. I always find metal goes easier for restructure in Gaia than in Source, so usually I connect down and send it away that way. Re-connection: This might slow down flow in the foot or leg somewhat, and that is simply smoothed out by breathing through the body down into the toes and back again with the intention of opening, dissolving blockage and relaxing. More importantly, is the habits and thought processes that are part of this construct. Snap out of them. Force yourself to move. Go do something new, go to a new restaurant, check Groupon and pick something at random, take a new route to work, walk in a new park. Whatever it is, do something new. Without the construct attached to you, this will be much easier to do than before, but will still take some effort. Once moving, the energy will move faster and stronger until no reluctance or holding sensation will be felt when engaging in the activity that was held back before. Etheric grinding machines: The only way I know how to describe these are as if there were anchor points drilled into the reality around the host, and massive etheric machinery was set up around, anchored into the drill points and pressed down on top of the affected client. The part pressing down and around them is full of grinding gears and moving, crushing parts. The symptoms of this device are 100% of the time noticeable, causing extreme physical pain with multiple medical diagnosis of being inconclusive, as in the Dr.'s have no idea why it is happening. Most of the time, they are diagnosed with something that fits the symptoms such as Fibromialgia, dose the patient on pain meds and tell them they are going to have to learn to live with it. Solution: *If something like this is detected, I highly recommend finding a healer capable of removing such a device due to the intricacy and strength of it* Removing this metallic device needs the ability to see or feel it clearly. What is done is hyperfocus on one spot allows you to begin transmuting pieces of the machinery into positive energy, systematically dismantling it. By hyperfocus I mean, again as with the Supernova, you converge a massive amount of energy into one tiny point, with the intention of critical mass that will dissolve the dark structure and transmute the rest of the piece to gold light. When the first keystone piece becomes obvious, that becomes the one to focus on. As that one dissolves, the next will make itself obvious, and so on and so forth until dismantled. This device almost 100% of the time has an entity directly overseeing its operation, if not a team of them. Consequently if removing this device, work will have to be done on multiple fronts, defending from and sending the entities attacking for restructure or conversion as the device is dismantled, as well as the actual work of dismantling. Re-connection: *If under the focus of this specific device, a healer is highly recommended to begin reparations* More often than not full body restoration is needed. Watchers, cameras, tags and beacons: Watchers are what I identify as anything doing surveillance. Mechanical camera etheric devices, floating reptilian appearing eyes, ET's using etheric tech to observe, energetic tagging devices that work similar to GPS only on the etheric side, scalar monitoring devices and etheric beacons similar in function to an all frequencies distress beacon fall into the watcher catagory. The symptoms of having these in your field are an overwhelming, explainable sensation of being watched that comes and goes with varying frequency. What these do is keep tabs on the individual, and call in entity reinforcement if there are any signs of awakening or activation. Solution: Breathe golden chi into your body, gently relaxing into an open state of calm. Sit for at least 5 minutes focusing on your breathing, gently guiding your mind back to focus on your breathing in of life whenever it wanders. When a relaxed,open state is entered, think about how the feeling of being watched felt, and just like when meeting someones eye from across the room instinctively when they look at you, look at the watcher. There should be a clear feeling of confirmation when done right, because the watched sensation will lessen and a shocked echo will come back to you. Follow the shock, or impulse to where the energy does not flow if you can not see the parasites and wrap it up and send it to Source, or if the systems are perceivable, look around and study how the connections work before sending it on its way. Beacons are tuned into differently by visualizing you have an internal radio that expands out into the scalar and plasma frequencies. Turn the dial up past the physical, i.e. FM/AM radio, radar, etc... into the higher frequencies and listen to them. If an unpleasant feeling occurs, hone in on the feeling which will hide the beacon. If a discordant sound/energy is felt or heard,find the sounds/vibrations origination point. Often times, the beacon will suddenly be revealed in a distinct discovery. Once located, wrap in golden chi and send to Source. AI insects/devices: Insect like metallic constructs are fairly common. They act as surveillance/attack units, and range in variance from scorpions, spiders, beetles, gnats to ants and all the way to insect-like things that appear to be bugs, but nothing known on Earth. I honestly do not know much about these constructs other than they are numerous and extremely weak, think dung or carrion beetles. Solution: Clearing these from the house or energetic field is as simple as pushing a bubble of golden light out of the body to encompass the environment/house and pulsing it in a bright flash. Re-connection: Devices and insects drain off excess or "spilled" energy like smaller fish staying with sharks to feed on the scraps from the sharks meals, and do not actually affect the body, unless a custom made device for a specific person is in play, which is extremely rare in the AI instance. Mirrors or reflector devices: A device of this function is most often put into the field of a person who has started to develop an awareness of the energetic construct. The intended purpose is to reflect back whatever the person looking out is seeing. Most often there is an entity hidden behind the mirror using it as camouflage. Discovering one of these devices in the field can be a confusing as every time remote viewing or any type of energetic traveling is attempted, the host will bounce back and see nothing other than blank spaces. Malevolence from the entity hiding behind the mirror might be felt, but there will be emptiness or a reflection of themselves where they feel the darkness emanating from, or actually seeing a mirror-like construct floating in the energetic field , reflecting back can occur. Solution: When piercing this reflector device, technique depends on how strong and what type of construct it is, either AI or organic. If it is organic, more often than not they are as weak as the literal mirror they are modeled after, and a simple push against it with gold energy, slightly focused in a smaller area of the mirror, is enough to break it and allow you to send the pieces to Source, often times exposing the hidden entity to be dealt with for removal or conversion. If an AI construct, this becomes a bit more difficult, as it is not a weak, reflective glass surface, but a polished metal mirror most often with machinery behind it. If a solid, concentrated PUSH!! on the mirror does not shatter or move it, slide your energy out and around the surface of the mirror, like the water spilling over a table analogy. Push back behind it, and with solid, metal chi, stab golden metal bars into the cogs/machinery of the construct. Pieces will stop working correctly, and more of the construct should be visible. Focus on what you can see, and start dissolving Keystone pieces as explained with the metal grinding machine further up. The more that is deconstructed, the more that will become visible until it is gone. Re-connection: The devices themselves only serve a function outside of you, so once gone, symptoms will be gone as well. Negative Portals: Having a negative portal open in or around the energetic field can cause interference on multiple fronts. First and foremost, it is a clear path of travel from incredibly low vibrational astral realms, infested with malevolent entities, to the energetic field around the host. This causes in and of itself a plethora of symptoms from the damage of multitudes of entities moving through the hosts field into the world abroad. An extreme heaviness, or crushing sensation will be felt along with debilitating fatigue. People who come into contact with the hosts field will experience these draining sensations to a smaller degree as well. The purpose of these dark wormholes are to give the entities free reign of travel back and forth from their realms to ours. Solution: Hyperfocus right in the center of the portal, just as with the supernova. This might take some time to achieve conversion, but keep focusing, steadily increasing the intensity and brightness of the tiny speck of gold. Eventually, the portal will fold in and invert on itself, converting to bright gold, steadily pumping out higher vibrational frequencies. The newly converted positive portal will stay open until shut down by the parasitic construct. Re-connection: Once converted to a positive polarity, symptoms from the portal itself will disappear, and the light frequencies coming from it will help much with healing, but damage done from everything other than the portal will need to be addressed. Etheric broadcasters: This system of devices, entity possession and host surrender turns a person tuned into higher vibrational frequencies such as empaths, telepaths, and anyone in that range. Through a series of controlled traumas, life experiences and 24/7 monitoring/impulse control, the host eventually gives up completely, losing hope and losing the will to go on. The horrors and pressures of the Matrix end up crashing down, causing crippling depressions and anxiety, or mindless rage. These pure, black, hopeless emotions are a higher dimensional form of incredibly potent negative energy, and the connectivity of the host on the mental/telepathic plane allow them to broadcast out for dozens, and in rare cases, hundreds of miles. Each of these people is stuck in a hopeless, suicidal depression that they can not seem to make themselves get to the actual action of suicide, and so they hollowly stumble through the motions of carrying on a "normal" life, going to work, paying their bills, walking the dog, saying hi to the neighbor, etc... Coming from an energetic perspective, the broadcaster protocol ends up causing an increasingly large field of emotional charge that anyone who comes into contact with will feel these emotions echo in their subconscious, slowly sinking in and showing larger and larger symptoms of sadness, hopelessness, anger, confusion and hate as the host's psychic affinity through the broadcaster construct in effect causes a reverse empathic response. Coming into contact with one of these types of fields can be immediately felt if paying attention. A strange sensation of "not right" will appear, and the physical sensations of anxiety or depression will be felt before the emotion, such as a knot in the stomach, watering eyes, increased heartbeat, etc.. Most times when recognized, people will associate this feeling with a specific place such as the "haunted house" up the road. There are times when entities can thin the barrier between worlds and cause interference in the physical world in a literal "haunting", but for the most part, a broadcaster is usually in the area. Solution: Someone who is a broadcaster would never come across this information to begin with. They are typically the most physically based people you could meet. The "see it to believe it, and even then it was not on the news" type personalities, despite the fact of having highly developed innate abilities being used through their subconscious. Through a series of traumatic events through parents, family, the church, friends and authority figures at schools, these abilities were most likely suppressed early on during childhood. What can be done when encountering a broadcaster field, depending on the strength, is to first locate the general area of where the field is originating from, which most of the time, a general direction can be determined simply from the direction travelling when encountering the field. This is done by either sitting or laying down, and using deep, slow abdominal breaths, focusing on breathing in chi to the body, relaxing, opening, clearing and turning on the light. Fill the body with golden sunlight until comfortable enough to start pushing the light outside the body into a golden orb. Unlike the regular shielding protocol, this one will reach out on a much larger scale. Visualize the geography around the immediate vicinity almost like the view was coming from a few thousand feet up, and spread the golden shield across what is seen. When the gold Source light encounters the broadcast system and the host, there will be a clear sensation of either turning off the light as it touches it, or an extreme difficulty of pushing the light into the area. Once the area is triangulated, zoom down in on it, just like the vision was pulled back to an areal view, and turn on a sun right in the center of the darkness. This might be easy, or difficult, depending on the strength of the entities involved in that particular system, but the trick is to focus on one single, minuscule point, and ignore the rest of the darkness. By pressing, pushing, igniting and forcing a bright point of light to begin in a tiny point inside the darkness, transmutation begins. As soon as it flares into strength,the light begins to convert any darkness it touches, which happens to be the whole system as the light spreads out. What will be left, is the core structure of the system, which should be plain to see now without the energy to push the light or awareness out. Wrap the entirety in gold light and send it to Source, and chase down any entities attached to the construct (These can be felt as pieces/ribbons/smoke that leads in different directions from the point where the broadcaster system used to be before removal. Follow the connections down to the end. They might try to run, but the connection always leads to the end, which is where the entity is. Wrap them up in gold light and send them to Source. Astral body/dream body tags: When stepping into dream-time, we leave the physical body and "wake up"/step into the astral or dream body. As soon as this body becomes animated with consciousness, the dream tags as I call them, activate. Working in conjunction with the systems infesting the physical body, the dream tag broadcasts a beacon to what for a lack of a better word I call ships. These "ships" are concentrations of extremely dark energy with multiple entities inside working together, that are in essence a nightmare generator. The tag activates with information from the physical, the ship scoops up the astral body and processes the consciousness through a Loosh generating "holodeck program". These ships are massive and can handle hundreds of thousands of people at a time. The way the astral/dreamtime works, is that everyone on Earth goes to the same place when unconsciously dreaming, but there are layers to these astral realms that specific people are drawn to. One layer might have 10-15 million people who visit during dreamtime, another might have 50-60 million people, and this affinity has nothing to do with geographical location, but the vibration the person resonates at. When becoming aware of astral travel or lucid dreaming, it becomes easy to move between these layers, but most people imprisoned on Earth are unaware even of the possibility of these abilities. Multiple "ships" patrol these layers of astral realm, and whenever a tag activates, the ship moves over the consciousness, and sucks it into the nightmare generator. When taken into a nightmare generator, the person dreaming will experience a distinctive shift in the dream, as if the entire feel and vibe of the dream suddenly turns dark and menacing. The light in the dream might suddenly turn sickly and hollow, and the people being dreamed might turn into other people, or demonic creatures. There is a distinctive feel of something menacing sliding over the entirety of the dream and burrowing into it. Solution: If dreaming and beginning to experience these sensations and symptoms, what is happening is that the "ship" is lowering the vibrational intensity of the energy, and this is one of the major reasons why the light turns strange and hollow inside of it. Focus on the light inside. Turn on an intense golden sun inside of the chest, breathing into it. Focusing on closing the eyes inside of the dream is helpful to concentrate as well. The presence of multiple negative entities could make it difficult to turn on the light initially, but focusing and concentrating internally will eventually push through. Start shining the light outside of the body, filling any hollowness with solid energy. A balance will need to be reached with the light being put into the dream, and the dark energy pushing in on the dream, starting off with extreme dark imbalance when noticing the dream being taken over. The more light put into the dream, the more in balance it will become until the darkness loses hold and bright energy takes dominance again, and the "ship" detaches. When trying to detect a dream tag, Calm yourself with breathing and focus on relaxing, opening and flowing chi through the body. When relaxed and aware, visualize your consciousness behind your body, almost as if floating up and behind the physical body. Look the right or left, and see your dream body. It looks just like the physical body, just lighter, energetic and slightly ephemeral. The physical body and the astral/dream body exist at the same time, but activity depends upon the level of consciousness operating it, but are simple to shift between in perception. When seeing the dream body, a dream tag will be up above it, appearing as a metallic sphere or a mechanical construction. Once found, they are easy enough to remove, simply wrapping it up in gold Source light and sending it up a vacuum tube for restructure. ![]() Spinal column control rod: This device is found in most cases of entity attachment. The central channel has multiple energetic points up the spine and down the front of the body where entities prefer to tap into people's energetic field. Once the energetic center is penetrated, the entity burrows its way into the spine, where it then connects into the spinal column and spinal cord. Using this neural pathway, it coats the physicals and energetic flow up the spine with dark, organic material. Stretching from the pelvis to the head, the entity can then reach into any area of the body and implant devices in the areas described further below in this article. More importantly, this control rod allows the entity control over multiple implants at one time. If the entity is trying to shut the host down, it can activate the solar plexus implant to attack the confidence and self worth, at the same time sending the chatterbrain implant into overdrive with negative self talk, or any other type of combination. Removing this control rod is key in unblocking the central channel flow, as well as making it much easier to remove anything else found in the body. Often times, when removing this device, the energetic connection leading directly to the entity can be felt, allowing for removal and extraction of the actual entity fairly simply. Solution: Breathe light into the body, gently bringing the resonance up as high as you can comfortable bring it without feeling like you are straining to become brighter. Once you have reached this point, begin with the "camera flashing" technique described in Part 2, deep in the center of the flat wall of bone on the back of the pelvis, and gently move these "camera flashes" up the spine. Take notice of where it is easier or harder to make these flashes light up. Spend more time in the harder points until it feels a bit easier, and keep moving up until all the way to the center of the skull. What this has done is loosened any anchor points and stunned the dark construct, immobilizing it. Grab ahold of the base of the device in the pelvis, 3-4 inches underneath the spine. and gently start tugging it up through the spinal column, dragging anything with it that is connected. If the body is bright enough when doing this, most of the devices in the body can be pulled out with this control rod. The feeling is of relaxing the stuck areas where the energetic anchors are coming out of the spine, and letting anything that reaches out through the spine get pulled out with the control rod as well. Breathe light up from the pelvis and lower abdomen, rising and lifting like a wave as the control rod lifts up through the spine, past the chest and once in the neck and head, gently pushing it out the back of the head while pulling with the hands the whole way up. Connect in to Source or Gaia, and send it off for restructure or conversion. Re-connection: The overall goal of this device is to provide a platform for the entity to control multiple aspects of the host body through energetic devices and a direct puppet master-like focus in the body of the host. The dark energy moving up the spine blocks multiple energy points in the central channels and blocks the flow of the GV/CV meridians or the up the spine/down the front flow of the body. Removing this device allows an easy restart of this flow. To open up the flow to these meridians, begin to focus on a point in the back of the pelvis. Begin breathing sensation into this area, moving more blood, more oxygen and nutrients into this point. Generally after 10-15 deep, slow, gentle breaths sensation in this area will begin to relax, flow and feel more open. Begin to visualize this open, relaxed sensation as a still body of water. Gently rock back and forth, feeling it slosh effortlessly from side to side in the pelvis. Begin to focus in the center of this body of water and begin to brighten a point in the middle, catalyzing the sensation and turning it into a golden, radiant liquid. Begin to give this still liquid an intention to move up the spine, almost like you are creating a depression leading downhill from this body of water, and allowing gravity to gently give the water motion. Use this sensation of flow to move the energy up the spine, gently eroding any blockages along the pathway. Visualize the flow up the spine almost like a garden hose full of dry, stuck dirt, and the sensation is almost like gently pushing water through the stuck hose. It will be slow at first, like water gently pushing through the dirt, but the more pressure and "liquid" pushed through, the more saturated the dirt becomes until it becomes sludge or "mud". The "mud" will start to flow through, breaking loose, and diluting and dissolving "downstream". Keep inhaling chi up the spine, following the track up the spine, over the top of the head, down the face, down the chest, down into the abdomen, and hooking it into the pelvis where the flow starts back up the spine. Anywhere a blockage along this pathway is found, gently breathe the "liquid" through, and relax the area consciously until the flow re-connects through. This meridian flow is how the organic machinery of the body powers itself. This flow charges every energy center of the body. If this flow is re-opened, the body will become much more in tune with the mind and spirit, and higher abilities will be much easier to access. One of the first things an entity will do to shut down the host is to limit this exact flow. By keeping this flow open and healthy, implantation becomes much harder to achieve, and the person practicing this flow will become much calmer, relaxed, and in tune. ![]() The purpose of this device is to block off the flow of Galactic Consciousness to the host. A natural human has a direct connection to Source, and is able to connect directly in with these energies and replenish the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental bodies. This connection through the multi-dimensional DNA is both physical and energetic in nature. This blockage cuts off the direct flow of energy. Because of the tampering done to the DNA in the distant past, without the energetic flow the DNA cannot be activated, thus keeping humanity from awakening through this connection (which is just one of many). More often than not, an entity is connected into this blockage along the flow to Source, and is actively working against the host whenever they try to consciously connect into Source/Creation energy. What this does is tri-fold. First, the connection to Source is not able to be opened, allowing darkness to stagnate and fester, instead of being cleaned out as soon as it is formed. Secondly, it forces a feeling of divinity being on the outside of the body, instead of something that we all have a direct connection to energetically. What this does is allow doctrines and religions that have you pray to an outside entity to gain traction and a foothold in the psyche. Third, and in my opinion the worst aspect of this device, it cuts off connectivity to Oneness. It makes the host feel alone. There is no energetic flow through the connection each of us are supposed to have to each other as aspects of the same exact Source light, fostering a feeling of separateness and disassociation with empathy and compassion. This blockage is why many on this planet are committing atrocity to their fellow humans, not realizing that they are damaging an aspect of themselves on a multi-dimensional scale. Solution: What will be noticed when trying to connect into Source energy, is that it will feel sticky, or stuck, almost like running into a black wall. Source can clearly be felt on the other side, but there will be no energetic connection. The picture depicts the blockage in the connection, and often times it is right over the head, but this blockage in flow can be found anywhere along the line up. In other words, it might be felt three feet above the head or three hundred. Breathe into the body, focusing on filling the body with chi, breathing through any blockages and focusing on relaxing any stuck musculature and tension as a calm state of mind is slowly settled into. After bringing the focus on a slow, deep abdominal breathing pattern while filling the body with chi for anywhere from 5-15 minutes, begin to visualize the body turning into a radiant vessel shaped like the human form, shining like the sun. Take this radiance and give it a direction, almost like shining flashlight, and point this "flashlight" up with the intention of connecting to Source. The block will be found wherever there is resistance to the light and it is hard to push the "flashlight" beam. The trick to remove this is to turn the "flashlight" beam into liquid light, giving the chi a much heavier, wetter consistency. The visualization is like pouring a cup of water on a table. The water pools out in one puddle until it find the edge of the table and begins to spill over the side. Do the same thing. "Spill" your chi onto the blockage and spread it out to the edge of the "table". Once the edge is found, use that awareness to begin wrapping around the entire block, and peel it like melted latex off of the flow. Shine the "flashlight" up and re-connect to Source. Re-connection: To re-connect back into Source, there is a connection to a Creator energy that is needed to be re-established. I personally use the Galactic Central Sun as a physical object for me to tune into, in which I open an energetic connection to and from. The Galactic Central Sun is the pivot point on which the entire galaxy spins around, and is the home of the Galactic Consciousness, or the overmind of the galaxy. Tuning into this allows me to tap into a much higher multi-dimensional energy in which accessing Source consciousness is possible. Anything can be used to tune into this energy. Whatever is personally believed to be the Creator energy, that is what you need to tap into. Cameron Day has an amazing meditation to connect into the Galactic Central Sun, found here Metal caps or bands on the head: These metallic devices look literally like a cap of dark sheet metal fitting directly on, in or under the skull, covering the forehead, temples, top and back of the skull. The other form of this implant looks like a band of metal circling the entire head. Along with blocking auric flow and incoming frequencies, this device causes headaches and odd types of pain/sensations in the cranium. Picture a piece of wet leather that fits perfectly on the skull when still wet, but as it begins to dry, it constricts down on the skull as it hardens and shrinks. Instead of leather, what would be seen is black etheric metal. The sensation is like your skull is squeezing your brain, or pressure from all sides is pushing into your head. The energetic symptoms would be not being able to reach your energy outside your body, feeling blocked from connecting to Source flow, lack of torroidal energetic flow of the aura, and difficulty visualizing/viewing/projecting astrally. Solution: Breathe chi and energy into your head in a golden point of brilliant light right into the center of the skull. Focus on building this brighter and more intensely until the area begins to become more open and charged. Shift the intensity of the light into a direction, almost like you are turning the golden point into a flashlight, and point the "flashlight" upwards. Light up the area, then begin to give the beam of light the flow of chi, almost like you are turning the flood of light into a flood of liquid, and flow UP!! Push in all directions up, forward, right, left and behind, through the back of the head almost like you are pushing/opening up a golden umbrella. This should allow you to feel the pressure of the metal by making the crushing/tightening sensation much more obvious. Focus in on these areas, and continue to push from the inside. At the same time, take your hands and make a golden "arc welder" or "plasma cutter" jetting out of your fingers, and start to slice through the metal where you feel it. If it is a band, slice through in one spot, and begin to push from the inside and pull from the outside, almost like you are unwinding a band of latex that is stuck to the head. If it is a cap, slice down the center-line, and pull either both left and right side off at the same time, or focus both hands to one side at a time if needed. The feel of pulling sticky, stuck latex off of the skull is the same here. The intention is to always keep the device in one piece, and to pull out anything it is attached to further in the body as it gently slides out once dislodged. Re-connection: The purpose of these devices is to block energy flow on multiple fronts. The auric field, abilities found in the organic machinery of the brain, central meridian flow and connection to Source are just some of the systems interfered with when this type of device is in play. Once removed, inhaling up through the GV (Governing Vessel) meridian flowing up the spine to the top of the head and exhaling down through the CV (Conception Vessel) meridian flowing down the front gently for 10-15 minutes a day for 2-3 weeks should be more than enough to reconnect all of the organic machinery of the body. Flowing the energy in this fashion will begin to heal the auric field as well, but if extra care for the aura is being called for, gently running your "psychic fingers" or astrally brushing your hands through the round bubble of your field in all 360 degrees around you, smoothing and gently teasing out any knots or "stuck spots" will take care of that. A quick re-connection meditation to Source taught in Part 2 will allow clean flow between you and Source. Head octopus parasite: This parasite attaches to the top of the head, siphoning off multiple meridians in the head. Most of the organs in the abdomen correspond to meridians beginning or ending in the face and head. This parasite attacks all of the functions in the head, from blocking the 3rd eye, blocking Source connection activating the "chatterbrain" function, blocking central meridian flow, and in some cases, hijacking the optic nerves to force visions into the brain, almost like projecting onto a movie screen, but the retina instead. It will wrap around the head and face, sinking into the astral body with tendrils or tentacles of dark, organic energy, anchoring in anywhere it can find purchase. More often than not, this type of parasite attacks the vagus nerve, which handles many parasympathetic nervous system responses, most notably, the fight-or-flight response. People who suffer crippling anxiety, non-stop chatter in the head, severe panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and violent migraines often times have this type of parasite attaching to their head. Solution: These parasites feel almost like taffy when trying to pull it off and out of the head, so a thorough stunning and immobilizing is needed. Often times flow to the head is completely shut down when this parasite sets up shop, so I would use the light from my ![]() If experiencing trouble pulling this off in one piece, start sucking up pieces that can be pulled off. Connect into Gaia or Source, and bring a vacuum tube to pull any pieces or chunks off of the parasite, weakening it and making it easier to remove. Another good technique to make parasites and entities weaker is to focus on making a bright golden needle or blade, and push it into the center of the parasite and turn on a star in the center. This will force the parasite to fight conversion to a positive polarity internally, while fighting off the stunning camera flashes, the light from the heart-space pushing up and the hands, coated in golden sunlight pulling it off of the head. If difficulty is experienced still after all of these efforts, focus on opening up a black hole inside of the parasite. The feeling is of a null space, or void opening up inside of it, and drawing in all of the negative, or dark energy that it has been putting out. Not only will this help to clear out any residue placed inside of the host, making the host stronger, but it will weaken the parasite immensely. The more negative energy that goes into the parasite, the more positive polarity energy that has been stolen from humanity will be forced out of the parasite, weakening it on multiple fronts. Consistency is key, especially when dealing with well established, stronger parasites in the body. Do not get discouraged if removal is not immediate. Try again when stronger. Do this routine twice a day until the parasite is so weak it cannot hold up against the onslaught of flow that is being opened up, simply from the intention of moving light into this darkness. They are finite. We are not. Get stubborn. Refuse to give up. Set an alarm every day to work on this until finally, *pop* it becomes dislodged. They have no choice once we make up our minds and begin to shape our reality around this epiphany. Re-connection: The purpose of this parasite is to completely block the flow to cognitive physical and esoteric function. The brain is slowed down in the Cerebral Spinal Fluid flow, the central meridians up the back and down the front are shut down, the lymphatic flow is congested and the major glands of the brain are organically starved by blocking nutrient flow through the blood. Gaining the energy needed to clear out a parasite like this is the same way to re-connect the flow once removed. The Chi Kung moves taught in the prep work, Lifting the Sky and Chasing the Moon, open up the flow into the head, activating and warming the energetic points on these central meridians and inducing chi flow. Once the head has a clear connective line of chi flowing through it, things such as congestion and sluggish operation begins to clear out. ![]() Coming in multiple shapes, forms and modalities from AI wires, chips and automation to black metal framework with organic "feelers" to full blown organic parasite infestation, these devices in the temple always have one job: to study the frequencies and brain patterns of the host, and begin to replicate the frequencies of the hosts "inner voice". We have three different voices in our reality. We have the voice that we hear coming from our voice boxes while speaking, the voice everyone else hears from outside of our body, and the internal voice we speak in our heads with. This device isolates the internal voice algorithms and begins to ingeniously mimic them to the point that unless awareness of the device is already in place, the host will simply mistake the chatter-brain/monkey mind implant for their own internal voice. The purpose this device is to simply distract and confuse. If the host begins to ask the important questions such as, "Why are we here?" and "What is my purpose, why do I exist?", the device is programmed to lead them away from the path those esoteric questions would lead them down. It will constantly bombard the host with distractions that pull them out of the present, constantly having them remember the past, or putting them in fear or apprehension of the future. Of all the devices and implants used in these systems, this is most often the most easily recognizable. Once this device is gone, complete silence becomes the natural state of being in the mind. In a completely clear body, the only noise in the head is what is actively being thought, i.e., a "Hello!!" would not be heard unless an active, "Hello!!" was "yelled" into the head by the internal voice, or a song would not be playing in the background unless it was actively being "played" in the head. The physical symptoms of these devices are cloudy/dazed perception, lack of perception (i.e. it takes longer than it should to pick up on happenings around you), and headaches most often in the temples and front of the head, but can be found anywhere. More often than not, the headache symptoms are not an all over blanket pain, but a small point where it feels like something is pressing, poking or pushing through and the pain level can become quite high. Solution: These devices use the flow of the Gallbladder meridian to keep themselves charged and constantly active. The Gallbladder meridian starts on the outside corner of both eyes, closest to the ears. Using the breathing techniques to fill the head with light, press the fingertips to the outside corner of the eye, and light up the hand as well. Visualize the corner of the eye as the start of a garden hose that goes through the temple, down the neck, through the chest and abdomen, down the leg and into the foot, and push chi from the hand through that tube of flow through the body, starting in the eye. The visualization is of pushing bright golden liquid light through this channel down into the foot. Remember that despite having only one gallbladder, we have two Gallbladder meridians, one on either side of the body starting at each respective eye, so do not forget to do both. Often times this is enough to make a connection, but it will seem hard to push through the temple. While shining the internal light from the head like a flashlight at the temple, use the newly connected chi flow in the temple to feel/see where the blockage is on the side of the head. Once a hint of a dark spot or a realization that the chi does not flow easily into a specific area is noticed, wrap the entire area up in gold light, and use your hand, already lit up, to gently peel the blockage out of the temple. These devices tend to be a bit sticky, in the sense that they stretch like taffy while still holding onto where they are anchored into. An easy way to neutralize this is to use the camera flash technique around it with the intention of FREEZE!/STUN! What will happen is the device will become hard and inactive, making it much easier to remove from the body. Re-connection: The go to technique for most connection of damaged/blocked flow is breathing up the spine through the GV meridian and exhaling down through the front of the body utilizing the CV meridian. Often times this is enough to re-connect most blockage and clear the stagnancy. If additional work is needed in the area, connect to the meridian on the outside corner of the eyes, and "see" the tube of energy flow that goes down into the leg. If a reference point is needed, a quick google search of the GB meridian in the images section will bring up a chart in how it flows through the body. Specific points are not needed to be remembered, just the general direction of the flow. Open up a Source vacuum in front of the eye, and visualize the whole flow being stuck full of sand that you are now sucking out through the eye, keeping in mind how wind easily clears sand out, especially when the wind is particularly intense. Keep the vacuum active until the entire meridian is felt cleaner and more open, and turn it back on by flowing golden chi/water through the tube/flow down into the foot. 3rd eye/pineal block: This device is specifically designed to shut down the ability of the 3rd eye, or what we would call astral travel, remote viewing, full body immersion visualization, intuition, telepathy, frequency downloads, and energetic broadcasting. Coming in multiple shapes, sizes and forms, anything found in the center of the skull, following the energetic pathway from the pineal to the forehead, no matter the constructs origin, is interfering in this manner. The most common types of pineal clamps I find are organic in nature, but AI tech has been found fairly regularly in about a 70:30 ratio, with AI and organic collaboration most commonly found on this energetic center more than any other parts of the body. What will be noticed with this device is that the intuition of the host will become suspect. They will resonate with absolute TRUTH for a person, subject or movement that ends up completely discredited wih the whole system falling apart, leaving them unable to trust their own internal guidance because of having run into these situations so many times. Energetically, unless the host is actively trying to activate the 3rd eye, no symptoms will be noticed. If a person has begun their own personal path of awakening and is beginning to try to open and activate these centers while in meditation, they will notice almost a complete inability to visualize clearly while doing these activations. In a normal daydream, visualization seems effortless, yet when trying to astral travel or "see" energy flow in and around themselves, it is almost like pulling teeth to force the visualization into place. Remote viewing is met with a black wall, and astral travel is unable to be initiated, much less explored. Solution: This device more often than not stretches into the pineal gland, found in the center of the skull, from the spinal column and through the brain stem. It will usually do one or both of two things. First, being a penetration of the gland with an etheric needle or blade, and secondly, gluing itself onto the pineal, almost like wet tar that was dripped over an object that then hardens. It is both flexible, yet rigid, and what it is doing in this area is either completely gumming up the flow from the central channels to the gland, and from the gland through the energetic pathway to the forehead where the 3rd eye manifests itself, or etherically "slicing" into the flow to disrupt and short circuit it. The easiest way to remove this device is to completely extract anything it is attached to that easily slides free. As stated, this device most often is connected through the control access pathways through the spinal cord, and that conrol pathway ends in the pelvis, sometimes going down the legs. Going into the meditation/work knowing this, start in the sacrum, right underneath the spine. Follow the techniques for removing the spinal control rod, gently working your way up the spine, dislodging the control/access rod all the way up into the base of the skull. Once here, begin lighting up the center of the skull and try to make the head as bright as possible. More often than not the pineal clamp is connected to the GB temple chatterbrain/monkeymind implant as well, at the brain stem, so when starting to push your energy into the skull to fill it up with to much light for the darkness to comfortably remain in the head, try to follow these connections where the light does not easily shine inside the temples and the center of the brain, and follow it back to the brain stem. Use the "camera flash" technique to stun/immobilize the devices, and gently start to tug, peel and pull them off of the temples, pushing them to the back of the head. "Reach" in through the brain stem right at the base of the skull, and push an etheric, gold coated hand into the skull, and push over the top of the pineal device to the forehead, and "scoop" out the blockage on the forehead, through the energetic pathway to the pineal, and pull all of this to the back of the skull. The tactile motion would be akin to a net of light that shoots through the back of the head to fall over everything inside the skull, and then gets bagged up and pulled to the base of the skull. Push up through the sacrum and spine with gold light to push up and out the top of the head at the same time the device and everything it is attached to all the way down into the sacrum and legs slides out gently through the back of the head. Open up a connection to Source, bring down a vacuum and send it on its way for conversion or restructure. If this does not work the first time, continue to clean out the dark energy until it feels open. These pathways and flow patterns become stronger with repetition, so even if it feels like nothing is being accomplished, the foundation of the system that the parasitic construct relies upon to do its work inside the human body is being eroded out from underneath it. The more this work is done, the cleaner you will make yourself until it is gone completely. Re-connection: The goal of this device is to completely shut down the flow from the central channels to the gland energetically, as well as constricting the blood flow physically. In order to restore flow, we need to know what we are focusing on. As depicted in the illustration, there is a pathway from the back of the skull to the pineal, to the forehead. These points in the body in the central channel flow correspond to the energetic center of the 3rd eye/upper Dan Tien area. The Yui-Gen, or Jade Pillow point is found directly at the base of the skull, and the forehead point most of us know in the Western world as the 3rd eye is known in Chinese acupuncture as the Crystal Palace or the Cavity of Spirit. The Jade Pillow is connected to the flow up the spine, the Crystal Palace connected to the flow down the front. By taking, big, deep belly breaths with these points as a focus, here is how to begin to unblock these pathways. Once the device feels less intrusive, begin to breath up through the spine into the Jade Pillow, directly into the pineal. Hold on the inhale, and let the energy spiral around in the center of the skull, then exhale any dark, stuck energy back out on the exhale. Sit in this breathing pattern for the next 10-15 breaths, keeping the focus on staying with the energy as this pathway is gently relaxed and opened. After a few minutes of re-connecting in this pathway, start to extend the pathway forward from the pineal in the center of the brain. So for each breath in, stretch where the energy flows forward maybe half an inch forward through the pathway to the 3rd eye. What will end up happening is a gradual stretching of the flow from the back of the head, through to the front. Relax and allow the blockages in these pathways to gently erode, break apart, and dissolve in the flow, almost like water (chi) saturating mud (blockage) and dissolving it downstream. Keep breathing in this manner until the flow has reached the forehead. Once the pathway to the forehead feels clear, begin to imagine the pattern of the moon as it goes from new to full. First a tiny sliver starts off, that gently and gradually waxes to a half circle then stretches out into a full three hundred and sixty degree round, glowing orb. Visualize this same type of waxing in the forehead, but make the energy/orb bright gold. Once this is active in this manner, it should be a simple matter of intention to hook the flow back down the front of the body in the central flow down the front of the body. Roof of mouth/sinus/eye camera device: Touching the tongue to the center of the upper maxilla, or the roof of the mouth will point out the anchor point for this device within a centimeter. The purpose of this device is more often than not a few different objectives and I have seen devices that do one or all of them, so I do not know if this is a set of implants or one that as it gets stronger expands its range of influence. I have never ran into this device without the base of it being a monitoring type of device or a wireless camera in the eye. If the device is AI in influence, it can be tapped into via remote physical technology, and if it is organic in nature, it can be accessed by etheric entities and parasites. What spreads out between the connection from the roof of the mouth to the GB meridian in the temple/eye is two-fold. A black tar/goo begins to spread out into the surrounding physicality, shutting down energetic flow that translates over to the physical flow. Chronic congestion and constricted nasal passages develop out of this lack of flow, and create a fertile ground for the second aspect that happens when this device is especially active. Toxicity. There is a distinct, toxic resonance that is broadcasted out into the stagnant physical area that feels like a spiky, sharp, angry pocket of dark energy in the sinuses behind the nasal passages. This leads to constant sinus headaches and infections. Solution: The goal of this implant is to connect the monitoring device into stagnant toxicity, giving it a steady supply of negative energy, as well as help power the GB meridian chatterbrain device as well. Going into this, we need to have the intent to clean out the sinuses behind and to either side of the nose (slightly above and below cheekbone level), as well as the sinuses in the forehead. Start off in the center of the skull, brightening and swirling golden cyclones of chi in the center of the head. Gently breathe into this swirl of energy for 10-15 breaths, relaxing into feeling the movement of the blood through the middle of the brain. Smile as you breathe deep into this swirling nexus, brightening and opening the energetic centers of the head. Visualize the vortex of spinning gold light focusing directly onto the roof of the mouth, eroding the anchor point like water dissolving the dirt around roots, leaving the device's anchor exposed. Use the camera flashing technique to stun the rest of the device up into the eye, and reach in through the front of the face to grab the exposed anchor, and gently start to tug it out the front of the face, gently sliding anything connected to the anchor out with it, including the wires/cables going up into the eye. Open up a connection to Source and send it on its way. Re-connection: Visualize waves of golden liquid light flowing through the face on a gentle inhale. Do not use just the mouth and nose to breathe the air in, but use the entire face to breathe in through the sinuses and brain, all the way to the back of the head and down through the brain stem, cleaning out anything stuck, toxic and blocked. See the toxic, dying bacteria stuck in this energy, and focus a golden star right inside of that toxicity, with the intent of alchemically transmuting the stagnant poison into something healthy and beneficial to the body. Send a wave of light from the head slowly down to the heart, almost like honey, slowly moving down, cleaning out anything physically toxic as well as energetic. Use 3-4 breaths to help gently guide this down. Once down to the heart, send it back up through the neck into the head, swelling this slow, thick moving wave of brilliant golden "honey" like a balloon, cleaning out any tension, toxicity and pain up through the front, back and sides of the neck, up through the mouth, sinuses and nose, and back into the center of the head. Repeat as many times as felt needed. Voice box constrictor/frequency modulator: This device has two functions that I have run into. The first is a shutting down of the lines of communication from the brain to the words being spoken through a closing off of the throat in a physical constriction, or a deconstruction of the language into nonsensical run-on sentences or complete gibberish. This symptom is most often activated when the host begins to step into and vibrate in their truth. For example, someone who is constantly struggling with self esteem and confidence issues begins to start stepping into a place of strength and speaking up for themselves, they will notice the throat closes up, making speech difficult, or the words just completely fly out of their head. This causes the voice breaking tenor or extremely shaky speech, almost like they are speaking through a body suffering hypothermia. Another example would be when the host begins to recognize the deeper nature of the universe, and when trying to speak of these concepts, and along with a constriction, they find themselves completely butchering the concepts they are reveling in, or just not being able to physically talk because every time it is like they have a mouth full of mush. This often leads people attacked on this level to be shy when it comes to speaking to people they do not know, and regular neural flow between the brain and lines of verbal communication are not exercised, and the situation often becomes much worse until the host begins to actively work and focus on making these neural connections a priority again. The other function found here is what I have called a frequency modulator. This device goes over top of the voice box, and what it does is shift the frequency that the host is speaking on. More often than not this is used against someone who has already re-connected the neural lines of communication that were attacked, and is now speaking deeply from their resonance of truth. Since communication can not be stifled from the source, what ends up happening is that the device makes it so that it seems people never even recognize that the host is speaking. They will hear them talk, but the level of communication that their brain is picking up is relegated to background noise. An example would be that traffic in the background is definitely a noise that can be heard and tuned into, but why would you ever recognize the sequence of revving engines, squealing brakes and tires rolling on the asphalt? This is the level of frequency that the host ends up speaking on with this device implanted on top of the voice box. Solution: Energetically, light up the chest and the head, shining both energetic centers like a flashlight directly into the throat, using these walls of light like a pincer or a clamp. Flood the throat in golden liquid light, softening the musculature of the neck, relaxing the structures around the jugular vein and carotid artery, visualizing the lymphatics to start opening up and draining down into the chest, actively looking for where the flow is blocked, where pressure is building, where the light does not shine easily, or where a dark spot is seen. Start to dragnet the entire neck from the top of the brain stem and the very top of the throat all the way down to the hollow between the collarbones and the top of the thoracic spine, pulling anything dark or stuck out the front of the neck/throat. Use the camera flashing technique to dislodge anything that is still stuck, and breathe blood, oxygen, nutrients and chi through the neck. Visualize the breath opening anything stuck and dark, like water dissolving dirt and carrying it away. Re-connection: The purpose of this device is to block lines of communication which most often are on the neural level (nervous system). Before even doing any energy work, these lines of communication need to be opened. If trouble translating what is in the mind directly into verbal communication is a priority, practice for at the minimum of a week tongue twisters and speaking rapidly once a day for a half hour. The more these neural pathways are used, the faster more and more information can flow through. Think of building a road through the jungle. A path from point A to point B can be made by one or two people, but it will be a slow, grueling process. As the brush gets cleared, more and more people can use the road to get from point A to point B, and as the dirt is packed down and more and more people use it because it becomes more reliable. Soon there are many people using the road, and the road becomes wider and much more permanent. What once took days for one or two people to get through can now be traveled by thousands in hours. The principle with any neural reprogramming is the same. Keep practicing and opening the connections, and the connections will become strong and permanent. Energetically, to re-connect this pathway, visualize a bright, golden star opening up in the throat. Sit for a few minutes a day just focusing on this star. As the breath moves through the throat, see this star flaring to life, almost like oxygen fanning a flame. As the star becomes warm and open, see the light unwinding anything stuck or tight, unknotting clenched musculature, opening up lymphatic pathways and draining any stuck toxicity. Visualization while repairing this connection is extremely helpful. Imagine speaking fluidly, effortlessly and without any blockage in the communication from brain to mouth while lighting this star in the throat. Another helpful technique in re-connecting this brain/communication pathway is to turn on a golden sun in the head, and on an exhale, begin moving this star down the central channel from pineal to voice box. At the bottom of the exhale, allow the sun to become bright and radiant in the throat, and then on the inhale, lift the star with the breath back up into the center of the skull. Continuing this rotation back and forth from the head to the throat, following the inhale/exhale cycle for 5-10 minutes a day will reopen this dormant/damaged pathway on a neurological level, making a physical effort to communicate much easier to do. To be continued..... Etheric Implant Extraction/Removal Protocols January 22, 2018 One of the most common questions I run into is how can I remove these from myself? Let me walk you through what I tell my clients after the removal, when I teach them to use the energy I do to protect themselves, and eventually be able to remove the etheric implants with practice. First off, our environment is completely inundated with these things. They can transmit through contact either mental, psychic or physical, but most often people or animals become infected through physical contact. They need a very specific environment to comfortably set up shop and do their work. They need low vibrations. They need darkness. By lifting your vibrations and brightening your body, you make it extremely "toxic" for them to exist inside of you and exert influence. When done properly, what I am about to teach can completely eliminate the influence of the parasitic construct. Once these systems are gone we, recognize our true resonance. Free flow in the body: eliminating discomfort and pain, rejuvenating the internal organs, and keeping us youthful. Silence of the mind: actively silencing the nonstop chattering monkey-mind that most of us believe is normal. Active meridian flow: opening energetic awareness internally and externally, opening connectivity to Source as well as Gaia consciousness, innate higher dimensional abilities activating, and a connectivity to the reality construct around you in hyperawareness. We will start off with a protection meditation. The overall goal of this meditation is very specific. We are armoring ourselves in golden light. We will be making a series of golden orbs inside of our bodies and moving them around, using breath to push and lock fields in place, so without further ado, let us begin. Close your eyes and turn your awareness inside of the skull. Find the center point and focus on the pineal (3rd eye) for a few seconds until you become familiar with the area. Now lets turn on a little golden pinprick of light right in the center of the skull. Sit with this golden speck for a bit. Once ready to move on, turn up the intensity of the golden light seed we just made...light it up brighter and brighter and really light up the inside of your skull with it. Once ready, start to then expand the mini golden sun in our pineal gland, breathing into it and expanding it out bigger and bigger. First make it about the size of a quarter. Keep breathing into it and expand it out more...push to the size of a tennis ball. Then a softball. Keep expanding out until the golden sun is about the size of the inside of the skull. Sit with this orb for a few seconds, and acclimate and adjust to this new type of energy. When ready, drop it loose from the head and let the orb float down the central channel of the body, lighting up everything as it descends down through the throat, through the heart, and through the stomach. Push it down and out the bottom of the central channel through the perineum, and flatten out the golden orb so that we are sitting on a golden lid, and lock that energy into place. Lets go back up into the center of the skull, and repeat what we have just done. Turn on that little seed of golden light, ramp up the brightness/intensity, and expand it out to about the size of our head. Drop this one loose to float down the central channel through the throat, through the chest and park it right behind your belly button. On an outbreath, we are going to push/expand this energy to coat the front, the back and the sides of our core. If we were wearing a long-sleeve shirt made out of light, this would be the bottom half. So deep breath in, and PUSH this orb of energy out from the stomach to coat the front, the back and the sides of your core, and lock this energy in. Lets go back up to the pineal and repeat. Turn on the light seed, ramp up the brightness/intensity, expand it out to about the size of your head and drop it loose down the central channel to sit right in the center of the chest cavity. This one, on the outbreath will become the top of our light shirt, so the front, the back, the sides, and the arms will be coated in golden light energy. Deep breath in, and PUSH it out. Lock this energy in. The last one we will do in the head will end up being our golden helmet covering the front, the back, and the sides of our head. Turn on the light seed, ramp up the intensity, expand it out and take a deep breath in. On the out-breath PUSH this energy out of the body to surround your head in golden light. Now, we are going to do this one more time, but this time we are going to be doing it from the heart-space. Let us now turn our attention and focus to the center of the chest, and lets just sit here for a few seconds and really get a good feel for the energies of the area. When ready, turn on a little golden pinprick of light right in the center of the chest cavity. Sit with this for a bit, and then start to really turn up the brightness/intensity of the golden light, flushing all the darkness out of the area and really lighting up the inside of the chest. Start to expand this point of light out bigger and bigger until we reach about the size of our head. On the out-breath, this one is going to push out and surround our entire body and energetic field in a golden egg, so lets take a deep breath in, and PUSH it out to encapsulate us in this beautiful golden light. Now, what we have just done is made your body to high vibration and too light for these parasites to comfortably live inside of you. If they can actually manage to get past the barriers we have just set up right now, you will notice if they get in. There will be a heaviness, a denseness, a sense of lack of flow in the area. If you feel this, do the meditation I just taught you and then do an internal scan to see if anything is inside of you. When you do this lit up like we are, it is like we have nothing but white walls and light inside of us with the darkest of dark things trying to hide and they stick out like sore thumbs. Now, to remove them, I coat my hands in this energy I just showed you how to use, making almost a golden glove overlay. I then reach into the body using my astral hand coated in light, and pull it out. During the session you will hear me say that I have everything I pulled out of you trapped, and what I trap them in is the exact same orb we just got done learning together. I pull them out of the body, and I reach up into the orb I created above me, and deposit the implant inside of it, and pull my hand back out, trapping the parasite inside. Occasionally I will run into a strong one who can start to break its way out of the orb. When this happens, I visualize waves and walls of light slamming down on the orb from all 360 degrees, making the light barrier thicker, brighter and stronger until eventually the balance is shifted and it cannot break through. We can do this to any of the barriers. If during the meditation you felt like your back isnt protected enough, slam walls onto it, thickening the barrier and protecting you effectively. Now, if you cannot do the golden glove thing, what you are going to want to do is find the implant inside of you (the heavy, dense, pressurized quasi pain) and trap it inside of a golden orb inside your body. Strengthen the barrier so it cannot slip out, and gently pull the orb out of your body. The implant should pop loose. If that doesnt work, spin the orb. What I feel/visualize while spinning them is a bowling ball made out of light rotating at incredibly high speeds in my hands. It isnt just a rotating ball of light, there is a massive amount of movement, force and momentum behind it....the implant should pop loose with this easily. Once the implant is outside of your body, you need to get rid of it. I give them the chance to convert to the light before I send them to Source for restructure and the conversion rate is about 50% meaning half of them convert, the other half wont. To do this, you need to visualize and connect to Source. Whatever you call the Prime Creator, be it God, Krishna, the Central Sun, Source, All That Is, whatever. Names dont matter, just connect to the energy and visualize a portal coming down from it sucking up anything not of the light into it with a massive vaccuum/tornado. Toss it up into the vortex and Source will take care of the rest. Never do this type of work on anyone who does not know exactly what is happening. If you end up doing this work, immediately follow it up with this meditation. If you remove the parasites from someone who doesn't have the knowledge behind the work, or the protective meditation, you are setting them up for a massive reimplantation, causing anything from a destruction of their social life, to suicide and massive criminal behavior. Please use your discretion. When I first started working with this energy, my orbs felt like yellow soap bubbles to substance, no power. They felt incredibly weak. That being said, time and space are no limitation when it comes to energy and I knew this. So if I can visualize a trillion of these weak yellow soap bubbles at one time and lock them all into place, an incredibly strong barrier is made. This is the bare bones skeleton version of how I do things. This is the introduction. When you start to get proficient in what I have shown here, you will start getting urges and impulses to use the energy in specific ways. I do things with it that work for me that do not work for other people, and other people do things with it that does not work for me. Pretty much the long and short of it is, once you are proficient, whatever feels right to you is the right path for you. We are all different and have different strengths, and some of you might figure out how to do things I havnt even thought of yet. I am sorry it took me so long to post this, but I have a lull in between extractions and massages at the moment and people have been burning for this information, and I am happy to provide it. Again, I would like to emphasize that I am NOT special, I am NOT a messiah. Any one of us can learn how to do this with enough time and dedication to really flesh out the new "psychic muscles" this energy starts to develop. I cannot do this on my own. I need as many of you proficient in removing these things as we can have. I need all of you to help. Together, we will Unleash Natural Humanity!!! Conclusion Due to the sheer size and number of devices and parasites that exist in the auric field, I have described some of the most common ones in my experience that I have run into, but many more are in operation and existence to some extent that are not described here. What has been described in this list is some of the strongest, and more prevalent of devices, and how to remove them. A base knowledge in some of these structures and what to look for when exploring energetically will be extremely beneficial when encountering something new to you, and the practical aspect of the techniques can be easily translated to anything new that might be encountered. In part 3, we will start going through the actual devices, parasites and implantation inside the body, and how to unblock, open, clear and heal these devices and systems. Note: I have been able to investigate and explore much information by unlocking these abilities innate in every human body, and I am honored to be able to share this knowledge to the collective consciousness. The more this information spreads, and the further back we pull the curtain to expose the monster in the closet, the faster humanity can be free from this astral virus. There is much shifting and movement as activation and upgrades to our energetic fields, the earths consciousness and physical bodies occur in this time of complete and total upheaval. What the dark is seeing right now is the collapse and disintegration of their entire way of life. This is not just the physical people who represent the Cabal, the elite, the international banking cartels or the ruling families that are watching their way of life end, but more importantly, it is the end of the entire negative prison system and all the entities and beings involved with it. They have been perpetuating this system for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, and this is literally all that they know, and it is unraveling in front of them. The light has already won. The pulse has already been sent and the darkness diffused back into the light. The thing that we are facing right now is that we are trapped inside of time and are not multidimensional. This is not an instant process for us, we have time to contend with. This does not change the fact that the light has won however. How fast it come is up to us. It is up to you and me. If we sit back and do nothing, if we allow others to do it for us, we will see and end to the darkness years from now. Some of us will not even be alive to see it. The opposite is true as well. If each of us stood up, turned on the light and declared in one, united voice, "NO!! WE DO NOT CONSENT!! GET OUT!!!, the dark would have no choice but to cease immediately. This is part of that process. This is my effort, my push towards liberation. This is my gift, and I am sharing it freely with humanity. This is not the old system of monetary gain, this is the new system of light, the new system of benefit of all being the goal. We are all in this together, and if those who do not know never have an opportunity to know, how can we catalyze this shift? The parasitic construct is the sole reason our world is the seat of such darkness. The atrocity that is a regular, every day occurrence on our planet does not happen because some people are greedy and want more than they have now, or others are innately evil and wish to hurt others around them, or some wish to have power over others. These people are only a symptom of the system, and have been traumatized, hypnotized and mind controlled into perpetuating these systems of darkness. Are they to blame for their actions? Absolutely. Would these situations have ever come into existence without the parasitic construct? Never. These etheric implantation and possession control systems are the reason why our world is so dark. Knowledge on this level is the core of the truth, everything else falls directly in line from the virus that has taken over the astral realms of the planet in a stranglehold of toxic hate and darkness, from the rampant surveillance, the controlling elite, all the way to the nonstop wars on the planet's surface. The war is internal as much as it is external. Take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings. Do not allow yourself to stay in dark, low are literally being eaten when you do. Practice spiritual hygiene...clean your field, move chi through your body and practice shielding. Practice service to others mentality, and release programmed hostilities to groups of your fellow humans. Try to stay away from processed foods and eat as organic as possible whether you are a vegetarian or omnivore, and drink plenty of fluoride free, clean water. Do not allow yourself to feel powerless. On the physical level, there is not much the individual can do unless shoulder to shoulder with millions of like minded people, but on the energetic level (which honestly, is where the physical originates, thus making it much more powerful when we interact with it), there is much we can do. The act of loving ourselves, and taking care of ourselves by doing the above described actions is a way to stand up and cast your vote for humanity. These simple actions of focusing on the positive, staying clean physically and energetically, and consciously turning on golden Christ-Consciousness energy in and around you and broadcasting it to the planet are literally standing up in the darkness and adding your voice to the growing rumble that is turning into a roar. WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! We understand the system, and more is being discovered every day. The time is NOW! Apathy and inactivity are no longer an option and each and every one of us can feel it. We need to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, but what can we do in this world run by the almighty dollar?! This right here. We can take our reality back. We can stand up and say NO! We are done. Turn on the light and shine as bright as you can. WE CAN overwhelm this system and we CAN rip down the veil. Our soul family is reaching down as far as they can. It is up to us to jump up and grab a hold. I for one, am building a trampoline. Come jump with me. Love Eric Raines Videos A very good video for protection and extraction A video of energy preparation A protection video Another good video from Simon Parkes a well known contactee from an illuminati family. One from Cameron Day From another healer experience : Grant Podesta Needle Implants These implants were one of the first I discovered as a healer. Being a trained Auric-Magnetic Healer (as developed by the famous New Zealand healer Colin Lambert) I found these very easy to remove. In fact I have observed that many healers when performing this type of healing were removing implants without being aware that they were doing so – they just simply felt some heavy energy and pulled it away from the body. This is the case with many other proficient healers too. If you can sense them, with practice you will be able to remove these simply by imagining grabbing hold of them with your hands and throwing them away – simple as that! To me they look like needles (hence the name) pointing towards the body. Most of the time I see the body of them about a foot or so away from the body, though there have been many times where I have found them superimposed over the physical body like they are wedged in. The most common places seem to be over the third eye, solar plexus chakra and most common of all (maybe because people don’t bother to look behind them?) pointing between the shoulder blades. I have often discreetly removed these during osteopathic treatments when people come in complaining of pain there or having a ‘stuck rib’. (Seeing as I am writing to many nationalities, osteopaths in the USA are very different to those in the rest of the world by the way. They can prescribe drugs for example – how very un-osteopathic ;-)) Like all implants they seem to just cause an energy block over the part they are directed at. For example ones over your third eye would limit your extrasensory perception. They are very common and I advise practising psychic protection to prevent ETs from giving them to you in the first place. Though less often in recent years (again thank you light forces ;-)) the ETs who are responsible often turn up after these are taken out. If you can sense this in any way, then using a simple commonly taught spiritual technique of your choosing is good for sending them away. You can simply say “By the power of God that I am, I command you to return to the light” three times (or more if you weren’t confident enough in saying it!) and they will generally go easily. Most of the time they are just ET clones or ‘robots’ as the benevolent ETs call them, hence the ease of their removal! Obviously call on a healer/psychic if you have problems with this. Suppressor Parasites Some people like to distinguish parasites as a separate subject to implants as many astral/etheric etc parasites are nothing to do with the negative alien agenda directly. Certain parasites however are engineered by low vibrational ETs to perform the same tasks as the more ‘mechanical’ implants. This is why some parasites are classified by some to come under the heading of ‘Archon genetically engineered entities’ (SPE-Suppressor Parasitic Entities). These can be found in many areas of the energy body. The most common place I find these are in the gall bladder meridian. It appears that the human body has a genetic weakness at the back of the base of the skull, where it meets the cervical vertebrae (some suggest this was part of a genetic manipulation by the low vibrational ETs further back in history). This seems to be where certain parasites enter the body and move towards the temple region of the skull above the ears. From here they seem to effect the rest of the gall bladder meridian. These parasites also seem to bud off and create more, to further effect other areas of the body. I believe they should also be treated like physical parasites as they can be transmitted from one person to another. People who work in a health profession are most at risk of ‘infection’ due to the close proximity they have with people. I suggest that everyone and especially practitioners work on their psychic protection techniques to stop their transferral. I simply use a golden ball of light to surround me (which also protects me from pretty much everything else too because I intend it so) and have the intention of spotting and removing these implants each time I work on someone. I have certainly been caught out by these in the past and I wish that more energy healers be aware of this subject so that they too do not unwittingly pass these onto others! Again a proficient healer should have no problem removing these straight through the temporal region or the base of the skull using Auric-Magnetic healing techniques or similar, assuming that they are able to sense them in some way. Those practitioners who direct divine energy into people rather than ‘weeding things out’ like I do may do well to intend that their energy be used to dissolve these parasites or push them out of the body. Matrix/Archonic/Etheric Implants These are the main implants people come to me to have removed and there has been a lot of interest in them lately. Due to the fact that there appear to be very few healers around the world that can remove these (though the number is growing) much of my work is done absently i.e. with myself in New Zealand and the recipients of healing anywhere else in the world. For those who have not experienced absent healing, it really is as potent as receiving a healing in person. These are the implants that I mentioned earlier that can be found in pretty much everyone who has incarnated on Earth in the last 24ish thousand years. They are genetically engineered by the Archons and are placed in the etheric layer of your being, hence the names. I prefer to call them ‘Matrix’ implants so as not to confuse them with other Archon made and other etheric implants. They look to me like octopus-shaped things – a small or large body with lots of ‘legs’ that appear to wrap around and integrate/influence parts of the etheric body. They can be considered to be part machine, part conscious as they are able to adapt to changes in your being to suppress you. They certainly seem aware enough that when I spot them, they tighten their grip! They can be found generally in areas of a person that are strongest. If you have a fantastic heart chakra then you will likely have one there. Otherwise they are very common over the third eye – likely to stop humanity perceiving beyond the third dimension. Lightworkers usually have at least 3 and I have found up to 9 of them in those that have particularly strong energy fields! Matrix implants in particular are often hard to spot which is why those with psychic abilities often don’t believe they have them. I have experienced this belief myself! They have a strong negative influence on the body and out of all the implants that I remove from people, these are the ones that cause the biggest changes once out. Aside from the large energy shifts directly relating to these implant’s removal, a lot of parasites and other types of energy blocks, like stuck thoughts and feelings are often hidden behind them. This is why there are a lot of people who go through a ‘healing crisis’ afterwards – i.e. many physical, mental and emotional symptoms appear or worsen before getting better. Some people who are not too sensitive or who have cleared a lot of physical, mental and emotional ‘baggage’ through various means however, quite often don’t feel much change afterwards. There was a lot of fear around methods of removing these being communicated to others due to the belief that the Matrix implants also communicate information back to their makers enabling them to adapt more to removal attempts. I have however not had this experience and have managed to teach a few of my fellow healers how to remove them. Care should be taken removing these. Unless you are able to dissolve them with light (using divine energy through yourself or using tachyon technologies for example) or are able to disable their movements (using your ‘imagination’ to disable them) before sliding them around the form of the etheric body, you could damage the etheric body. Even though I have given advice here to help other energy healers start removing them, I strongly suggest you contact an experienced healer to get these removed! Personally I work with a lot of benevolent ETs and archangels during a treatment session to remove the magnetic imprinting, other energy blocks behind the implants (such as parasites, thought-forms and stuck feelings etc) and to seal the aura to infinity to permanently stop these implants being implanted ever again. The Pleiadians say that it is indeed permanent unless you unwittingly choose to allow ETs to reinstall them! Plasma Implants These are relatively new in history as far as I know. They are like lumps of plasma that slowly grow around the body. Plasma is that state between physical molecules and non-matter and being close to the vibration of the physical body compared to the other implants mentioned above, they can have a more obvious effect on your physicality. This is why the most common symptom of plasma implants is lethargy, sleepiness, tiredness and lack of energy/motivation to do anything. Because of the reciprocal relationship of the body to the energy bodies, mental and emotional effects can be experienced too. The biggest cause of these is scalar technological devices which are made by the military-industrial complex of the world as influenced by the Archons. The devices that we are told are there to detect and shoot down enemy missiles, I am told by those who research this, actually cause plasma to accumulate in people’s bodies. Other common sources of plasma include that which is coming from the computer screen you are using to read this! It appears that not all plasma sources cause what I would call a plasma implant. The Implants I remove behave much more like something that has consciousness as they appear to cling onto the body. Common areas are over the abdomen and completely surrounding the head though they can appear in other areas too. They also grow over time and can become very large. A solar plexus one can eventually reach from the top of the sternum down to the hips for example. They are difficult to completely remove in some cases as it appears they are ‘fed’ by the plasma energy that is constantly coming toward us. When I remove them, again this plasma energy simply causes a new implant to seemingly appear in the same place again. Just before writing this I allowed a new one to grow on my solar plexus and it reached from the top to the bottom of my torso within 3 weeks. This is despite the fact that I use psychic protection techniques, wear protective crystals, have a pyramid in my room, have tachyon, orgonite, orgonium etc protective devices around me all the time at home and at work! I have listened to Rob Potter and Cobra’s radio interview in June this year (see for this) where they discusses how these implants regrow and Cobra stated that this will continue to be the case until the scalar technology is stopped. I have not heard any other intel on this subject so far. I am still removing them for people who wish it but until the scalar technology ceases it will not be permanent. Again simple energy healing techniques with practice will keep these at bay, but you will have to use them every day due to the ‘regrowing’. Beneficial’ Implants I thought I would quickly write a little about my experiences with these in case people spot these and mistakenly remove them. Most of the ones I have seen of this nature appear like small rectangles at multiple places around the body. Some people have so many of them that they look like they are wearing down-hill mountain bike armour – it literally looks like a spinal column protector when I see them down people’s spine. From what I gather from my various Christed ET guides, they are there to allow higher vibrational energy to pass more easily to us aiding in our path towards ascension. Because of this high vibrational energy it also aids to protect us from lower vibrational energies. Not everyone has these implants and it appears to be a choice made before incarnating on earth as to whether you have these or not. They are much more common in light-workers i.e. those who decided to come to Earth and help awaken humanity. The main reason I am explaining about these is that they might appear to be detrimental if they are surrounded by low vibrational energy. To illustrate this I will tell you how I first came about them earlier in my healing work. I first spotted them as appearing like dark/low-vibrational rectangles. I asked my Arcturian healing team whether I should remove the one I saw above the right side of the forehead and above the heart and I didn’t get a straight answer (I wasn’t as good communicating back then!) and I decided to remove them – at which point I felt like they were teaching me a lesson for deciding so. After a bit of a struggle removing them, I felt nauseous and my client, being an experienced astral traveller, said that the Arcturians were taking him somewhere. We worked out that his astral form had been taken to the Arcturus constellation and he explained that they were re-attaching the implants, just as I started seeing them appear through my third eye. I realised on hindsight, that I was sensing the low-vibrational energy coating the implants, rather than the implants themselves and just should have just removed the coating. If you are a healer, please do ask clearly if you are unsure what you are seeing so you don’t make the same mistake as I did. Healers websites Barbara Buck Matthew Aaron Mournian Eric Raines Grant Podesta Top Menu |
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