11 April
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Morgellons the perfect implants Morgellons, sophisticated biological implants to spy on us and control us The first part of this page is a summary of a lecture in English by a German researcher Harald Klautz Vella which opened my eyes and go in more details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88BcgzzcTc&t=2734s For years we have heard about implants, chips in our body that would allow us to be tracked and controlled. Of course, a large part of the population is fiercely opposed to this idea and it would take a lot of time and energy for governments to chip in on everyone. So, one can easily imagine that experts of big corporations have looked for a discreet method of doing this without the knowledge of the victims. They have certainly developed several methods, but in my opinion, the main method chosen is a living organism that comes to us from the sky, day after day. Every time we breathe in these micro-particles spread by unknown planes, we assimilate “special” fibers and we build our own spy implants. I now understand better why the government is spending a fortune to spray cities. Of course, there is the aspect of climate manipulation, but when we see that planes systematically cover the entire agglomeration of Canada's capital with artificial clouds while a few kilometers away the sky is all blue,i say to myself that it must be very, very important. Yes, it reduces sunshine diminishing the amount of vitamin D in everybody. But I think it's a secondary aspect. I believe that the most important is the presence of these special fibers that we breathe, the morgellons. The term comes from the 17th century from a similar disease. A small percentage of people get very sick from it and have great difficulty finding an effective cure for this curse. Officially, medicine does not recognize this disease. Among the symptoms are - skin diseases with the presence of strange fibers coming out of it - sensations of insects or movements inside the body - crystals or pieces of insects coming out of the skin - intolerable itching You will find many details on the internet. The life of patients becomes living hell. They are the canaries in the mine. But most of us don't experience these symptoms even if we all have some in our body. Otherwise it would alert the doctors who would look for their origin and remedies. But even though we're pretty healthy, that doesn't mean we don't have these mycelia. It's just the amount that changes. Composition and roles of morgellons Morgellons are a very special species at the crossroads between plant, animal, technological and energy worlds. The base is a mycelium, a plant. This mycelium has the specialty of integrating the DNA of its host to mimic it and go unnoticed. It therefore has an animal (and / or human) side. In videos, we can see it moving. As it grows, this organism attracts different metals, nanoparticles and plastic particles to make fibers that spread everywhere and especially in the head. This is its transceiver technological part. Finally, it has a subtle energetic part where it seems to generate insect "ghosts". Measurements were made and it was found that this mycelium emitted in space the energy signature of the DNA of its host. It is therefore a transmitter. Could he pass on any other information from the body? Probably. Since it is partly made of metals, it is also a good receptor. It can therefore capture different types of waves, tv, phones, antennas, micro-waves, etc. So we have an organism that goes relatively unnoticed most of the time, uses its host to grow, and is a good transceiver. In addition, we know that the technology exists to read DNA from satellites. You add a little more social distancing and voila! You have a discreet and effective universal implant! Congratulations to the scientists! Morgellon Solutions: Hulda Clarke's Zapper You will find all kinds of remedies for this disease on specialized sites. I won't list them here now. I just want to share my experience and a possibility that I think is very promising: to zap it. Thanks to dowsing, I can measure the quantity of morgellons that I have in my body and also in the body of other people. It is of course very subjective. I was very surprised to find a good amount of it in my own body despite being healthy, eating well, etc. I thought I didn't have any. When I check others, I find morgellons in everybody. Everyone seems affected, which makes sense because we all breathe the same air polluted by chemtrails. I accidentally found a video on the internet of a person explaining that she got rid of the manifested form of the disease quite easily through the use of a zapper. I know what is a zapper. I have been using these small devices for about twenty years for all kinds of infections. I have several of them. So I did a little research on the internet with"morgellons-cure-zapper" and I saw a list of sites appear. I could read a few lines where people were sharing their experiences but could not access these sites. The search engine was directing me systematically to unrelated pages. Very strange. Could it be that google is hiding information? If so, maybe it's because it works too well ... So I "zapped" for a month regularly and I measured the gradual decrease of morgellons in my body. There are very few left. As I was already in good health, I cannot say that I saw a huge difference, but I do feel healthier with a clearer mind. Of course, I certainly eliminated other various parasites that were sucking my energy at the same time. So I cannot attribute these results to the elimination of morgellons alone. But I also note an unexpected improvement: I had been experiencing tinnitus for some time, this background noise in the ears, as if I were perceiving some electrical waves. Now I perceive very little of it. Which makes me think that the increase in electro-sensitivity more and more widespread in our society is perhaps due, not only to the proliferation of waves but also to the presence of these morgellons emitting-receivers of waves ... It would be an interesting avenue to explore for electro-sensitive people. Often in spirituality we say «look inside». Maybe it is also true in this case, but not inside the soul, inside the body. Hulda Clarke's zappers therefore look very promising against the Morgellons. But what is a zapper? It is a simple little electrical device developed by an excellent researcher, scientist and therapist Dr. Hulda Clarke. It typically produces a small pulsed current at 30,000 Hz in positive phase only. When we pass this current through our body, it kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, mycelium in our body without affecting our own cells. She has made several books, the best known of which is Cure for all deseases which you can now find in pdf version http://www.electroherbalism.com/Bioelectronics/HuldaClark/cure.pdf It is possible to buy a zapper on the internet for less than $ 100. I just bought two from a manufacturer in the USA that I think is reliable. I have no financial connection with him. https://store.zapperguy.net/store Personally I think it's a small instrument that everyone should have at home in case of any infection. A second useful device is a colloidal silver maker. Conclusion Morgellons present a great danger to all of us. A Zapper, this very simple technology, may be the solution. If you are experimenting with a zapper, please send me your experience. It could be very helpful. ![]() Haut |
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